...face seems familiar.

Lesley Thomas Instagram

ORIGINATOR - Gary Janetti, writer / producer on ’Family Guy’, has...

Family Guy

...parlayed his Instagram poking fun at the Royal Family from the point of view of Prince George (’Hey guys, there’s an opening in the Royal Family’) into...

Gary Janetti Instagram

...’The Prince’, a satirical animated comedy show for HBO Max : zevyshaell msg ’Hot damn this is going to be goooooood❗️👏’

Gary Janetti Instagram

HABIB HEADS UP - influencers ovah? Alice Kemp-Habib in Sunday Times Style Barometer : ’Influencers. "Originator" is now the preferred Term, FYI!’ Thnx for that, Alice. Fluensa changing name as we speak.


SENSATION AT 62 - Nikki Redcliffe InstaPosts her vintage wardrobe for...

Nikki Redcliffe Instagram

...29,000 followers and has now landed a modelling contract

Nikki Redcliffe Instagram

COMING OUT - YouTube make-up tutor...

Nikkie Tutorials

MOMAGER - mini influencer Parker George (20 months) has his mother...

Parker George Instagram

...Natasha Maxwell to thank for £10,000 worth of freebies : check out his story at Mail Online.

Mail Online

’DON’T - become an influencer’ advises Esther Walker (aka Esther Coren) in The Times. She warns of...

The Times

...the perils of Instagram success : ’I’m leaving pro Instagramming to...the pros. I delivered, half-heartedly, a few more campaigns, then around February this year I officially gave up trying to be a pro Instagrammer and went back to dabbling. I can 100% recommend it. It’s brilliant’. Check out Esther’s website...

Esther Walker Instagram

...’The Spike’ and read her...

The Spike

...influencer backstory at Mail Online : ’This Instagram photo was Esther’s "perfect post". It got more than 700 ’likes’ after she posted it to the social media site, whereas her other photos earned around 300’.

Mail Online

WHAT TO WEAR? - influencer Saffron Barker is going...

Saffron Barker Instagram

...Missguided for NYE. Check out her vlogs on...

Safrron Barker

...her YouTube channel : ’It’s cool to be kind x’

Saffron Barker

FIT IN 7 MINUTES - Lucy Wyndham-Read is the 7 minute fitness expert. Check out...

Lucy Wyndham-Read Instagram

...the 7 Minute Belly Fat Workout on her YouTube channel.

Lucy Wyndham-Read

TAMMY 2.0 - Australia’s queen of Instagram Tammy Hembrow has...

Tammy Hembrow Instagram

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